The Hidden Dangers of Underage Drinking in Washington


Underage drinking is more than just a rebellious phase; in Washington, it carries serious legal consequences. Parents must understand these laws to effectively guide and protect their teens. This comprehensive guide outlines the intricacies of underage drinking laws in Washington, outlining how they can impact your child, and the legal steps to take if your child is caught.

Understanding Underage Drinking Laws in Washington

Washington imposes stringent laws and severe penalties on underage drinking. If a minor is caught with alcohol, they may face significant charges, ranging from minor in possession (MIP) citations to underage DUI offenses. Being informed about these laws is the first step.

Minor in Possession (MIP)

If a person under 21 is found with alcohol, they can receive an MIP citation. Evidence may include alcohol detected on their breath, a failed breathalyzer, or witness testimony. Penalties in Washington are harsh—potentially up to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine.

Zero Tolerance Law

Washington's Zero Tolerance Law means minors can be penalized for having a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) as low as .02%. A first offense can lead to a 90-day license suspension, and further offenses may result in a suspension until they turn 21.

The Legal Consequences of Underage Drinking

Understanding the severity of these laws is vital for parents. They serve not just to punish but to deter future offenses, with repercussions extending beyond immediate penalties, potentially affecting your child's future opportunities.

Purchasing Alcohol Underage

In Washington, it's illegal for anyone under 21 to purchase alcohol. Even merely attempting to do so can incur misdemeanor charges, fines between $250 and $1,000, up to 90 days in jail, and at least 25 hours of community service.

Using Fake IDs

Possessing or using a fake ID constitutes a misdemeanor in Washington. If caught, a minor could face fines and jail time. Forging or supplying a fake ID is a gross misdemeanor, punishable by up to $2,500 in fines and one year in jail.

Underage DUI Violations

An underage DUI is a serious misdemeanor. If your child has a BAC of .02% or higher, or any trace of THC, they might receive up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. For those under 18, confinement could occur in a juvenile detention facility, and probation of up to two years may be imposed.

Specific Penalties for Underage DUIs

Although an underage DUI isn’t classified as a "DUI prior" for future offenses, it still affects a child’s criminal history and influences future sentencing for other crimes.

  • First-Offense DUI: At least 24 hours in jail and fines starting at $941.
  • Second-Offense DUI: A mandatory minimum of 30 days in jail, 60 days of electronic home monitoring, and fines starting at $1,196.
  • Third-Offense DUI: At least 90 days in jail, 120 days of electronic home monitoring, and fines starting at $2,046, with a probation period of up to five years.
  • Restricted Driving Options: If a child's license is suspended, parents may petition for a restricted license, which allows driving to essential locations with an ignition interlock device (IID) during suspension.

Washington’s implied consent laws require drivers to submit to breath testing if stopped for a DUI. Refusal results in a two-year license suspension. An arrest for underage DUI involves an automatic suspension, even without a court conviction, lasting from 90 days to two years. A DUI attorney can help you protect your child’s future.

What to Do If Your Child Is Caught

If your child faces charges, it's crucial to contact an experienced attorney immediately. Legal counsel can negotiate mitigated penalties, such as opting for juvenile detention instead of jail time, to ensure the best possible outcome. Parents and teens need to be aware of these laws and their implications. Open discussions can help deter underage drinking and foster responsible behavior. Encourage your child to make informed decisions and understand the long-term consequences of their actions.

Contact Hester Law Group Today

Underage drinking in Washington carries significant penalties that can influence a young person’s future. By understanding these laws and their consequences, parents can better prepare to guide their children toward responsible choices. If faced with charges, seeking legal counsel immediately is crucial to explore all available options. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact the Hester Law Group today. Call (253) 300-3034 today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys.