What Are My Miranda Rights?

What Are My Miranda Rights?

Navigating criminal procedure as a layperson begins with a comprehensive understanding of your fundamental legal rights. Among these critical rights is a set of protections known by most as the Miranda Rights, which serve to safeguard individuals in police custody. If you find yourself facing criminal charges, it's crucial to secure the counsel of an experienced criminal defense attorney to ensure your rights are protected.

In the following post, we will explore the nuances of Miranda Rights, when and why they are required to be read by law enforcement, and the significant impact they can have on your legal proceedings.

What Are Your Miranda Rights?

The Miranda Rights originated from a Supreme Court case in 1966, Miranda v. Arizona, which established that certain rights must be clearly communicated to an individuals taken into police custody before an interrogation begins.

At their core, Miranda Rights protect your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and your Sixth Amendment right to an attorney.

Your Miranda Rights include the following four key statements:

  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
  • You have the right to an attorney.
  • One will be provided for you if you cannot afford an attorney.

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution serves as a safeguard against self-incrimination. Self-incrimination occurs when one intentionally or not provides information that implies one's involvement in a crime. As such, Miranda Rights allows individuals to stay silent during questioning and avoids the need to provide statements to law enforcement or participate in a criminal trial. Miranda Rights serve to warn and inform individuals of their constitutionally protected rights.

When Do Police Have to Read You Your Miranda Rights?

There is a common misconception that police officers must read you your Miranda Rights when making an arrest. However, these rights only need to be read before an individual is interrogated. As such, an arrest can occur without the Miranda Rights being read. If law enforcement decides to interrogate you later, they must provide a warning at that point.

While you do possess the right to remain silent, it remains essential to respond to fundamental questions posed by the police, such as inquiries about your name, age, and address. Maintaining a polite and respectful demeanor when interacting with the police is advisable.

Are Charges Dropped If Miranda Rights Aren't Read?

If you find yourself in a situation where the officer fails to read you the Miranda Warning. Your attorney will likely use this procedural error to seek the dismissal of your charges.

However, if strong evidence implicates you in a crime and the case doesn't rely on your answers, charges may not be dismissed. Each case is unique; consulting your attorney is crucial if your rights are not read to you. 

Can You Say No to Your Miranda Rights?

One might wonder if refusing your Miranda Rights is an option. Once these rights are read to you, you have the option to waive them or invoke them. Waiving your Miranda Rights means you agree to speak to the police without the presence of an attorney while invoking them means you choose not to speak without legal representation.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys for Help

Everyone deserves fair treatment under the law, and a critical part of securing your rights is having a seasoned legal team in your corner. If you're facing charges and are unsure about how your Miranda Rights affect your case, it is of utmost importance to seek professional legal help.

Contact our criminal defense attorneys at Hester Law Group to stay informed about your rights and to discuss your legal options. With over 150 years of combined experience, our team can provide guidance and representation for clients in cases such as federal crimes, restraining orders, sex crimes, violent crimes, DUI, domestic violence, and much more.

Contact our firm today at (253) 300-3034 or send us a message online to request a consultation.